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Showing posts from February, 2016

China in Numbers

Being back the UK is nice. I've been able to spend time with friends and family, who I haven’t seen in years; and I've really enjoyed catching up with people. But although I am technically back , it doesn't feel like I am back and part of my mind is often on China. I have been re-jigging Getting Out of the Bubble and part of that has meant looking over old posts and trying to categorize them into some semblance of order. Reading over old writing has always been something I enjoyed, I've always liked going over old diaries and laughing at how much (and sometimes so little) has changed. Over the next few weeks I'm planning on going back in time to some of the parts of my time in China that I never posted blogs about; some will be posts I started but never quite got round to finishing, some will be completely new posts to fill gaps in the journey. For now I will just share this list I made before leaving China that documents my time in China in what I think ...