Bucket list's are one of the biggest cliches in life, and yet they are still something that I find myself drawn to. The idea of putting in a list all the cool, interesting and scary things that you want to do - and then ticketing them off - seems to me like a very satisfying venture. And so I made a list. Some of the things on this list I've already done, a few of them I have made plans to do, and the majority are for some point in the future. It's tempting to just list all the many many travel adventures that I want to have, but I have also tried to include other, non-travel related, things too. The list is in no particularly order - although the neurotic in me wanted to categorise and make it neater - and there isn't an order to complete them in either. The thing that I wanted to be aware of was that this is not a "one day" list. It is a list to encourage me to go out and do things that I might not usually do. I want to actively try to tick things of...
See the pictoral highlights on instagram: @laowaisupperclub