Paris is a very difference place when you go with someone who loves it. The first time I went to Paris it was nice. Nice, but I wasn’t overwhelmed by the city. Paris is one of the most iconic cities in the world, and so, I was looking for that moment to connect and fall in love with the city that so many people had. It wasn’t that I didn’t like it, like I said it was nice, but that was it. The second time I went to Paris, I went with someone who adores the city. Actually, adore doesn’t quite cover it. He truly lives and breathes Paris in the most passionate way, and honestly this completely changed the city for me. Spending time in Paris with someone who knows all those little secret spots, and has a story for every street and building is something extraordinary. Have you ever walked around Paris and thought about the huge amount of history there? Not just how pretty everything is, but which cafés Hemingway would spend a day writing, F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald would drink away th...
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